Imperial City Prison

Imperial City Prison

Imperial City

Minimum Level 45

45 minutes

Imperial City

Summary Execution

This external district of the Imperial City houses the headquarters of the Imperial Legions, as well as the Imperial Prison itself. The City sewers pass beneath the prison as they drain toward Lake Rumare—but they're inaccessible, of course.  


Flesh Abomination

To defeat the Flesh Abomination, players should focus on the boss mechanics. Firstly, players need to be aware of the boss's Ground Impulse ability, which involves AoE attacks on the entire group when he digs his arms into the ground. Secondly, the highest priority mechanic is dealing with the spawning Necrotic Hoarvars, which players must quickly eliminate while avoiding standing too close to them. Additionally, every 20 seconds, the boss will summon Kamikaze Hoarvars that target each party member, so players must dodge and avoid these adds to survive. The key strategy is to position oneself behind the boss to avoid the splash damage, while consistently damaging the boss or the adds if they are still alive, in order to defeat the Flesh Abomination.

Gravelight Sentry

To defeat Gravelight Sentry, make sure to block his AoE Explosion skill by timing it correctly. Focus on the boss while using ranged Crowd Control skills to interrupt and control the Necromancer adds. Once the boss is defeated, eliminate the adds individually. Be aware of the targeted explosions, and either block or dodge/roll away from them. Lastly, ensure that only the tank takes the hit from the boss's frontal conal lasers, as the rest of the party should be positioned behind the boss.

Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor

To defeat Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor, it is important to utilize the environmental mechanic of the Sludge Pool. As you enter the room, focus on the giant pool of sludge in the center and be prepared for adds to spawn from the side doors. These adds will transform into powerful Flesh Atronachs once they enter the sludge. Deal with the adds quickly to prevent them from causing massive damage. Additionally, be cautious of Ibomez's Frontal Conal Attack, which can be blocked or evaded by dodging/rolling. Blocking, however, may still result in a Damage over Time effect. When Ibomez casts Tenderize, he will rush towards a random player and knock them down, pinning them in place. Interrupt his heavy charged hit as soon as possible to avoid instant death.

Lord Wardens

To defeat Lord Wardens, players should avoid standing too close to the blue energy orbs dropped by the boss, as they cause damage over time and deplete mana. It is crucial to block the randomly summoned meteor to prevent any damage. When the boss summons portals, players must enter them immediately after the boss splits into four, using the synergy prompt to avoid fatal damage from the fall. The tank should take the damage from the flurry attack and share it with other party members. When the boss splits into four images, players need to kill them in a specific order, starting with the one that is initially attackable.


To defeat Overfiend, the tank needs to interrupt any Red Spark casted abilities to prevent the large circle from spawning and stunning the party. Damage dealers and healers should position themselves directly behind the boss to avoid the Flurry attack. Adds that spawn from the cages and portal behind the boss should be prioritized and focused down immediately to prevent overwhelming the party. The tank should also interrupt the Harvester's AoE spell when it is summoned at around 40% health. Overall, interrupting both the Overfiend and the Harvester, dealing area damage, and being mindful of positioning will lead to success in defeating the boss.

Wardens Bodyguards

To defeat Wardens Bodyguards, players need to be prepared for a challenging fight against four bosses. The Lord Warden's Knight, Berserker, Templar, and Necromancer possess skills similar to Dragon Knights, Templars, Night Blades, and Sorcerers, respectively. Therefore, players should anticipate a variety of abilities and strategies from each boss. To succeed, it is crucial to coordinate attacks, focus on individual bosses one at a time, and utilize crowd control and healing abilities effectively. Additionally, players should exploit any weaknesses or vulnerabilities specific to each boss class, such as exploiting the Knight's lack of ranged attacks or interrupting the Necromancer's summoning abilities. Proper positioning, communication, and adaptability are key to overcoming the Wardens Bodyguards and emerging victorious.

Gear Sets

Scathing Mage   Light Armor
Sheer Venom   Medium Armor
Leeching Plate   Heavy Armor
Lord Warden   Monster Helm Sets


Imperial City Prison Vanquisher   10 points
Blockbuster   5 points
Darklight Dancer   50 points
Out of Sight   50 points
Imperial City Prison Conqueror   15 points
Vigilant Watcher Slayer   10 points
Life Sentence   50 points
Lord Warden's Retaliation   50 points
Mindshriven Slayer   10 points
No Prison Can Hold Me   50 points
